We are the cats

We live near an art museum in Sakura (Chiba, Japan). Until a few years ago, life was humming here. We were 11 cats. But most of our friends died from car accidents and diseases. It is lonely now. I am Mama. I am 8 years old and had a lot of kittens. Now I am retired and enjoy my after-work life. I am especially fond of my daily ciao churu. By the way, I am the boss here. You can see me here with my food delivery agent. I am 8 years, my name is Mickey. I also like Ciao Churu and appreciate a good back rub. My name is Hachi. I am a newcomer here, gaijin as they would say in Japan. I came here in April but realized soon that life is easy here. We get breakfast at 10 a.m. and evening meal at 5 p.m. And there is a belly rubbing service coming at lunch time. Some people said I got fat. Don't believe that. I just have heavy bones. Preparation for the belly-rub. I am very active, some d...