
Showing posts from April, 2024

We are the cats

   We live near an art museum in Sakura (Chiba, Japan). Until a few years ago, life was humming here. We were 11 cats. But most of our friends died from car accidents and diseases. It is lonely now.     I am Mama. I am 8 years old and had a lot of kittens. Now I am retired and enjoy my after-work life. I am especially fond of my daily ciao churu.         By the way, I am the boss here.     You can see me here with my food delivery agent.  I am 8 years, my name is Mickey. I also like Ciao Churu and appreciate a good back rub.     My name is Hachi. I am a newcomer here, gaijin as they would say in Japan. I came here in April but realized soon that life is easy here. We get breakfast at 10 a.m. and evening meal at 5 p.m. And there is a belly rubbing service coming at lunch time. Some people said I got fat. Don't believe that. I just have heavy bones.     Preparation for the belly-rub.   I am very active, some days I lie on my left and some days on my right. edit: Hachi has decided to

Little Lisa is a blind kitten (beware: difficult-to-look-at photos)

  Lisa, 3 months old (October 2018) Lisa's mother   Lisa is born in July 2018, together with 4 other sisters/brothers. The mother was hiding them immediately after the birth and I didn't see them for about 6 weeks. It was very hot this year and I already thought they were dead. But after the staggering heat was over, mama cat brought out her new kids. It was clearly visible that this time there were lots of troubles, only one of them was fully healthy and all of the others had eye problems - especially Lisa. The photos below show how she looked end of August/beginning of September. I quickly found out that she was fully blind. And therefore never had enough food to eat. I started feeding her with food and water. When I visited the place to feed the other cats there, she always came to get her meal and I also realized that she liked to be caressed. I grew fond of her and last week I decided that it was time to act. I brought her to the vet for a several-days stay and a make-over

Get me out here - cat stories 3

  In Japan, too many animals are thrown away. Sometimes they are in real bad shape when they are found. (example below) When found on June 30th. Look also at the legs. (Click on the picture) Now it looks much better. A beautiful cat.

Cat-stretching with an XL cat

  Cat-stretching with an XL cat: Tama

猫捨 - cat stories 2

 猫捨 - a derived form of  姥捨 Ey, man, I am 10 years old now. (cheating, not on this photo) I was thrown away.

Wild animals of Japan

  The bear is not the first wild animal which I saw in Japan during a bicycle ride. This one below I found in the north of the lake of Kasumigaura (Ibaraki). It was sitting aside of its dead mother (car accident) in the middle of a road. The temperature at that day was in the middle of the thirties. And the vultures of Japan (crows) were already nearby. So, I took it with me. But as I was still 80kms away from home, it was at risk and I looked for (and found) a new home for it - a farm with many, many cats, the owners ready of accepting another member. A cute little devil.